Wind River High School
Contact Phone: (307) 856-7970
Justin Walker - Principal - Ext. 210
Dee Harrison - Asst. Prin. - Ext. 247
Jessie David - Secretary - Ext. 203
Lacy Nichols - Secretary - Ext. 204
Stacey James - Counselor - Ext. 214
Veterans Day Celebration

Wind River celebrated local Veterans during an assembly on Thursday, Nov. 9. Speakers at the event included students Ben Bowcutt, Chris Burk and Isaac Gardner; as well as teachers Troy Anderson and James Cunningham. The high school band also performed with director Michael Adams.

Multicultural Club now accepting members
Wind River High School started a Multicultural Club! The club was proposed by Senior, Martina Large. It received approval from Mr. Robison, Activities Director, and Justin Walker, Principal. The purpose of the club is to bring awareness and appreciation of different world cultures through enriching activities made available to the student body. Some of the club goals are to create unity among different cultures, to enlighten others on culture, and to learn about the histories, customs, languages, foods, and traditions of other cultures.
Mrs. Robison, the Spanish teacher, and Mrs. Mills, the Native American Liaison, are the advisors for the club. The first meeting was held on January 24, 2023. Officers were elected at this meeting.
President - Martina Large
Vice President–Jonae Spoonhunter
Treasurer–Airy Olson
Secretary–Molly Bornhoft
The club will meet again on Tuesday, January 31st during Flex to plan activities for the coming semester. All students are welcome to participate!